
7 2022

Temple Bet Yam's Pizza and Bingo night for the entire community

6:00PM - 10:00PM  

Temple Bet Yam 2055 Wildwood Dr.
St. Augustine, FL

Contact Jacqueline Witte

BINGO & PIZZA NIGHT IS HERE! This fun and food event is once again open to the community. It will be held at Temple Bet Yam, 2055 Wildwood Dr., (just off of SR 207 in St Augustine) on May 7th at 6:00 PM. For a $15 per person cover, enjoy a full night of bingo, cash prizes, and a complete pizza dinner. Make checks payable to Temple Bet Yam and note ‘Bingo-Pizza’ in the memo. Contact Carol Levy at 954-895-7332 or for information. Your reservation (see flyer for reservation form) must be received by May 4th.