Community Calendar

BETH EL - Beth El The Beaches | THE TEMPLE - Congregation Ahavath Chesed | JCA - Jewish Community Alliance | JFCS - The LJD Jewish Family & Community Services | THE CENTER - Jacksonville Jewish Center | JFFNF - Jewish Federation & Foundation of Northeast Florida | RG - River Garden Senior Services


22 2023


Assemble goody-bags for the Max Block Food Pantry at JFCS. We encourage participants to bring fun-size candy and kid-…


23 2023

PM River Garden Board Meetings (2023)

5:45PM - 8:00PM  

River Garden Senior Services
11401 Old St. Augustine Rd
Jacksonville, FL


Senior Services 5:45-6:30 PM

Admissions Committee 6:30-7:00 PM

Hebrew Home 7:00-8:00 PM


24 2023


Visit the River Garden website - look for Auxiliary - or call Ellen Rubens.


26 2023


YPF Symphony in 60: Classical Mix Tape

Oct. 26 @ 5:30pm for Cocktail Hour, Performance at 6:30pm

Contact: charlesm@…