Community Calendar

BETH EL - Beth El The Beaches | THE TEMPLE - Congregation Ahavath Chesed | JCA - Jewish Community Alliance | JFCS - The LJD Jewish Family & Community Services | THE CENTER - Jacksonville Jewish Center | JFFNF - Jewish Federation & Foundation of Northeast Florida | RG - River Garden Senior Services


1 2023




3 2023

ReJEWvinate in the Sukkah

6:30PM - 8:30PM  


Join us to see what all of the fuss is about!

At our inaugural event, we welcomed over 40 participants. Some grew up…


4 2023


JFFNF Women's Philanthropy Champagne Brunch Committee Meeting


5 2023

Gen X-Tended BBQ & Beer in the Goldman Sukkah

6:30PM - 8:30PM  

Jacksonville Jewish Center
3662 Crown Point Rd
Jacksonville, FL


Join us in the Goldman Sukkah for a BBQ dinner provided by Margo's Catering and a craft beer tasting.

