Community Calendar

BETH EL - Beth El The Beaches | THE TEMPLE - Congregation Ahavath Chesed | JCA - Jewish Community Alliance | JFCS - The LJD Jewish Family & Community Services | THE CENTER - Jacksonville Jewish Center | JFFNF - Jewish Federation & Foundation of Northeast Florida | RG - River Garden Senior Services


25 2023

7:30pm JFFNF YPF Break The Fast

7:30PM - 9:00PM  


YPF Break The Fast, Sept. 25 @ 7:30pm at home of Sarah and Zachary Schwartz

Register here: https://events.idonate.c…


27 2023


Wednesday, September 27, 12:00 p.m.
Main Public Library, 303 N Laura Street

Join us for a docent-led tour of the Am…


28 2023


Federation & Foundation Board Meeting

Monthly Board Meeting 


Location: LJD Jewish Family & Community Services