Community Calendar

BETH EL - Beth El The Beaches | THE TEMPLE - Congregation Ahavath Chesed | JCA - Jewish Community Alliance | JFCS - The LJD Jewish Family & Community Services | THE CENTER - Jacksonville Jewish Center | JFFNF - Jewish Federation & Foundation of Northeast Florida | RG - River Garden Senior Services


18 2023

10 AM - JCA - Mah Jongg Workshop 2023

10:00AM - 2:00PM  

Jewish Community Alliance
8500 San Jose Blvd
Jacksonville, FL


Mah Jongg Workshop

Get familiar with the new 2023 card during this interactive program with MahjCon’s, Debbie …


18 2023

6 PM - JCA - Israel National Days: Zikaron Basalon

6:00PM - 8:00PM  

Jewish Community Alliance
8500 San Jose Blvd
Jacksonville, FL


Israel National Days
Zikaron Basalon

Zikaron Basalon in Hebrew means "Remembrances in the Living Room." This gras…


18 2023

7 PM - JCA - Melton School Love, Loss and Wisdom

7:00PM - 8:30PM  

Jewish Community Alliance
8500 San Jose Blvd
Jacksonville, FL


Love, Loss and Wisdom

Discover, during this six-week course, the Jewish responses and rituals that take us thr…